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  • 1. A shrimp's heart is in its head.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 1 2. A snail can sleep for three years.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 3. A species of earthworm in Australia grows up to 10 feet in length.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 4. A spider's silk is stronger than steel.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 1 5. A tuna fish can swim 100 miles in a single day!
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 6. A woodpecker can peck twenty times a second.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 7. According to scientific studies, a rat's performance in a maze can be improved by playing music written by Mozart.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 8. After eating, a housefly regurgitates its food and then eats it again!
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 9. All bonobo chimpanzees are bisexual!
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 3 10. All clams start out as males; some decide to become females at some point in their lives.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 1 11. All polar bears are left handed
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 12. All species of beetles are edible.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 13. All the pet hamsters in the world are descended from a single wild golden Hamster found in Syria in 1930!
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 14. All the swans in England are property of the Queen.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 1 15. Americans spend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year!
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 1 16. An adult giraffe's tongue is 17 inches long.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 17. An albatross can sleep while it flies!
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 18. An eagle can attack, kill, and carry away an animal as large as a small deer.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 19. An elephant trunk has no bone but 40,000 muscles.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 1 20. An elephant's tooth can weigh as much as 12 pounds.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 21. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 1 22. Animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike!
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 23. Anteaters prefer termites to ants.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 24. Ants don't sleep
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 3 25. Apple seeds are poisonous!
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 26. Apples are more efficient than caffeine in keeping people awake in the morning.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 27. Armadillos can get leprosy.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 28. At 188 decibels, the whistle of the blue whale is the loudest sound produced by any animal
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 29. At birth, a panda bear is smaller than a mouse.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 30. At one 'feeding', a mosquito can absorb one and a half times its own weight in blood.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 31. Baby beavers are called kittens.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 32. Baby robins eat 14 feet of earthworms every day.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 33. Baby whales grow at an average rate of 10lbs per hour!
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 34. Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 35. Beavers can swim half a mile underwater on one gulp of air.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 1 36. Beavers have orange teeth!
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 2 37. Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 38. Black bears are not always black. They can be brown, cinnamon, yellow, and sometimes white.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 0 39. Black Whales are born white.
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    Date Added: 2009-04-30 09:51:08
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  • 3 40. Bluebirds cannot see the color blue.
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